Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Check it off!

Check mark another part of the evaluation process off the list. Today we attended Ben's required transplant education class. That leaves only his remaining dental work (easy fillings) to be done and you know what happens then? Yep, he's free and clear to be listed. One of his transplant coordinators taught the class - she's so sweet and yes, we're claiming her as one of "his", goodness knows, we need all the good people we can get behind us. (It's like we've got our own little expensive version of the Verizon Network.) We got to chat with her a bit after class. She said that she would be presenting his case to the transplant team next Tuesday and then she would call to let us know when he's been put on the list. I can't believe it's here already. As of today, it's only been 103 days since Ben's PSC diagnosis. On the other hand, it's been 15 years since his Autoimmune Hepatitis diagnosis so we've known for a long time this day would come, it just takes a while to get used to "someday" turning in to "this year".

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