Towards the end of November, Ben had a fever and was in a lot of pain. (This is not the part that cracks me up just so we're all clear on that.) We knew he had gallstones and the surgery for removing his gallbladder had been scheduled and was coming up in just a few days. One morning before leaving for work (cause Ben NEVER misses work, he could cut an arm off and he'd probably still show up at work), he wrote on our wipeoff board, "I have a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell." For those of you that haven't seen the Will Ferrel/Christopher Walken Cowbell skit on SNL, find it. It's soooo worth watching again, and again.
Anyway, a week later, Ben was in the hospital because that pain was not gallstones but rather a nasty bile duct infection. My sister came over to listen to me freat and worry and basically keep me from losing my mind that day and she saw the cowbell comment on the wipeoff board. A few days later, guess what shows up in the mail box? Yep! A real genuine cowbell! Just for Ben! Lisa went to the Tractor Supply store and bought it. And our nasty little secret? Our daughter knows nothing about this cowbell. Because the noise level she would make with it would shatter a brick wall.
And our lesson today boys and girls is that we all need more cowbell in our lives. Go out there, make someone laugh. It truely is the best medicine :)
Always glad to help! :)