Monday, April 20, 2009

Does this mini laptop make me look geeky?

Oh Dell Mini 9, how I love thee. I had no idea that I needed the ability to play on the internet while in a waiting room. Waiting at clinic is so much more fun with this nifty little machine. I highly recommend it. And as an added bonus, I can look up all the mysterious medical conditions/treatments/ medicines as I overhear them. (Although, if I look up too many, I'll probably find myself huddled in a supply closet somewhere covering myself with antiseptic and hoping for a Lysol bomb to go off so I can make a break for the parking garage).

I'll post an update this afternoon about how Ben's clinic visit went. We're going back and forth on the possibility of the surgeon taking Ben off the wound vac. At this point, the wound is very shallow. Most of it looks like his skin was just pulled off (nice visual for breakfast time huh?) and even the deepest part is almost totally closed. I'm not sure what they'll have him do if they do take him off the vac. Gauze and tape probably. Thankgoodness we have a year's supply of that already.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure Ben hasn't been hanging out with Dexter? This season, the serial killer is called "the skinner." That's all I'll say about that!

    I'm jealous of your mini. I want to see it some time--promise I won't slip it into my (mini)purse.
